Gurukul Chamanvatika School Complete Exam Details
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Mission Statement
Chaman Vatika ‘Gurukul’ is committed to provide an environment conducive to nurture the students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in lives by, Promoting a nature friendly, safe, orderly, caring and inspiring environment to enhance emotional, social and intellectual development and transform innate potential into reality.Creating latest technology, enriched infrastructure combined with excellent resources and modern teaching methodologies to aid the learning process. Inculcating the ‘skills’ a sound and focused education provides; and through the ‘Competencies’ essential for success in all the spheres of life. Fostering creativity, innovation and desire to challenge the status through practical and project based learning to acquire problem solving skills. Nurturing social engagement by prioritizing humanity and culture that draws on liberal, creative and performing arts and thinking.
Exam Notification
Gurukul Chaman Vatika School Exam 2022 Details
Form Last Date : 11 March 2022
Exam Date -Class V to IX & XI – 13 MArch 2022
Age Criteria for Exam 2022:
Class 5: 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2013
Class 6: 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2012
Class 7: 1 April 2009- 31 March 2011
Class 8: 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2010
Class 9: 1 April 2007 – 31 March 2009
Class 11: 1 April 2005 – 31 March 2007
Read the Instructions carefully before filling the Registration Form.
Dear Parents
- The Regisration for the left over seat class wise for Session 2022‒23 is opened again. Admission will be granted from Class V to Class IX & XI Class (Medical, Non-Medical, Humanities & Commerce) for the academic session of 2022‒23.
- The Online / Offline Entrance Examination will be conducted on Sunday 13th March, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. It is must for the students to arrive at Gurukul by 8:30 a.m. on the day of Examination with Admit Card if Entrance Exam is conducted offline.
- Download the Syllabus for the Entrance Exam, Fee Structure, Rules & Brochure of Chaman Vatika ‘Gurukul’ from our website
- The last date to fill up the Registration Form is 11th March 2022 and the Registration Fee is Rs. 500/-
- Upload the latest coloured photograph with cross signature of the student on the Admit/Registration Form.
- Parents are required to fill the details properly like Student’s Name, Date of Birth, parent name and address as per the documents in the registration form.
- The result of the Entrance Test will be announced on the same day.
- Counseling for Selected Students will be conducted the same day.
- The seat of your child will be reserved after passing the counseling & depositing 10,000/- rupees as enrollment fee which is non refundable amount, In addition to it, you need to pay Rs. 20,000/- as a part payment of 1st Quarter to fix your seat. (i.e. 10,000 + 20000 = 30000). Otherwise, the seat will be granted to others.
- If the Offline Entrance Test isn’t conducted due to any un‒anticipated / unknown reason, the Entrance Test will be conducted Online for which prior information, process & procedure of conducting will be uploaded on our website. The counseling will be held through video calling if the Entrance Test is conducted Online.
- All the rights to make necessary changes are reserved in the hands of administration of The Gurukul in case of emergency.
- For more information, contact PRO’s Mobile No. 9216614666.
पंजीकरण फार्म भरने से पहले निम्नलिखित दिशा‒निर्देशों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।
प्रिय अभिभावकगण
- गुरुकुल में सत्र 2022‒23 के लिए प्रवेश प्रक्रिया आरंभ हो गई है। शैक्षणिक-सत्र 2022‒23 के लिए 5वीं से 9वीं कक्षा और 11वीं कक्षा (Medical, Non-Medical, Humanities & commerce) में प्रवेश दिए जाएंगे।
- प्रवेश परीक्षा रविवार, 13 MArch, 2022 को सुबह 9 बजे आयोजित की जाएगी। प्रवेश परीक्षा के दिन छात्रl प्रातः 8.30 बजे तक गुरुकुल में अवश्य पहुँच जाएं।
- पंजीकरण से पूर्व गुरुकुल का वार्षिक शुल्क, प्रवेश परीक्षा में पूछा जाने वाला पाठ्यक्रम और नियमावली आप गुरुकुल की वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
- पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि 11 March, 2022 है। पंजीकरण शुल्क 500 रूपये निर्धारित है।
- पंजीकरण फॉर्मपर छात्र की नवीनतम रंगीन फोटो (Colour Photo) व हस्ताक्षर (Signature) अपलोड करें।
- अभिभावकगण पंजीकरण फॉर्म में सभी जानकारियाँ सही भरें और बच्चे का नाम, जन्मतिथि, अपना नाम तथा घर का पता आदि दस्तावेजों के अनुसार ही भरें।
- प्रवेश परीक्षा का परिणाम 13 March, 2022 को ही घोषित कर दिया जाएगा .
- चयनित विद्यार्थियों की काऊंसलिंग (Counseling) गुरुकुल में की जाएगी।
- काऊंसलिंग (Counseling) परीक्षा पास करने और नामांकन शुल्क के रूप में 10,000 रूपये जो कि अप्रतिदेय राशि है, जमा करना है, इसके अतिरिक्त, रु. 20,000/- आपकी सीट तय करने के लिए पहली तिमाही के आंशिक भुगतान के रूप में जमा करवाने के बाद ही आपके बच्चे की सीट आरक्षित मानी जाएगी (अर्थात 10,000 + 20000 = 30000) अन्यथा सीट किसी दूसरे बच्चे को दे दी जाएगी।
- अगर किसी अप्रत्याशित कारण या किसी राजकीय निर्देश के कारण ऑफलाइनप्रवेश परीक्षा दी गई तिथियों में संभव नहीं होगी तो प्रवेश परीक्षा ऑनलाइन आयोजित की जाएगी। जिसकी सूचना via website दी जाएगी। ऑनलाइन प्रवेश परीक्षा होने की स्थिति में काऊंसलिंग (Counseling) भी ऑनलाइन की जाएगी।
- आपातकालीन स्थिति में किसी भी निर्णय को बदलने का अधिकार गुरुकुल प्रबंध समिति के पास सुरक्षित रहेगा।
- किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी के लिए 9896163400 पर संपर्क करें।
Chaman Vatika ‘Gurukul’
Ambala Chandigarh Highway
Ambala City Haryana 134004
Mobile: 98961-63400
Documents Required
– Birth Certificate
– Evidence of passing the last class or promotion to present class.
– Original Transfer Certificate from the previous school, which should be a recognized school, affiliated to the All India Board or a State Board of Education. Transfer Certificates have to be signed by DEO if transferred from other states.
– A medical certificate from a qualified registered doctor showing the record of vaccination/ immunization etc. as well as mention if any particular ailment or health condition about which the school ought to know.
– 8 Passport size Photographs of the student
-2 Passport size photographs of each parent and guardian
– Proof of residence of the child (Copy of Ration card / Voter’s ID / Passport).
– In case a boarder is adopted, parents will have to produce an attested copy of the adoption certificate issued by the competent authority. In the case of divorce/separation, the parent who is admitting the child will have to produce copy of custody of child certificate issued by the competent law officer.
-Adhaar card of students as well as parents/ guardians
-PAN Card of the parents
-Valid student Visa and passport with minimum 6 months validity incase of Foreign Nationals
– Valid Passport and OCI certificate incase of NRI students
–Registration Slip/AIU Certificate
-Copy of caste certificate (If Applicable)
All the students are required to submit the above mentioned documents within stipulated time failing which the admission shall be deemed to be cancelled and no fee shall be refunded.
Fee Structure
Boarding | ||
For Indian Nationals (in Rs.) |
1. | Prospectus | 500 |
Registration Fee & Admission Test Fee (Non-refundable) | Nil | |
a | Enrolment Fee (Non -refundable) (Only for New Admission) | 10,000 |
b | Caution Money | Nil |
V to X | ||
3. | FEE (Boarding Lodging Fee+Tuition Fee) * (Non-Refundable) | |
At the time of Admission (Apr.) | 45,500 | |
2nd QTR : Latest by of 5th July | 45,500 | |
3rd QTR : Latest by of 5th October | 45,500 | |
4th QTR : Latest by of 5th January | 45,500 | |
OR pay in | ||
ONE TIME at the time of Admission (Discount 5000) | 1,77,000 | |
XI & XII | ||
4. | FEE (Boarding Lodging Fee+Tuition Fee) * (Non-Refundable) | |
At the time of Admission (Apr.) | 47,500 | |
2nd QTR : Latest by of 5th July | 47,500 | |
3rd QTR : Latest by of 5th October | 47,500 | |
4th QTR : Latest by of 5th January | 47,500 | |
OR pay in | ||
ONE TIME at the time of Admission (Discount 5000) | 1,85,000 | |
5. | (DFE) Deposit For Expenses by the child ** (Accountable) to Maintain minimum balance quarterly |
10000 |
5. | Laundary Exp. Rs. 400/Month (4 clothes per day) including Uniform | 4400 |
6. | Advance for: Uniform & Books+Stationery+Bag to be purchased by New Students | 8000 |
For Old Students Uniform & Books+Stationery+Bag (Left over to be adjusted in D.F.E) |
5,000 | |
Real Sister Concession | 5,000 | |
All fees and charges are to be paid by “Demand Draft/Cash/Local Cheques” in favour of “Chaman Vatika” payable at Ambala Cantt. Outstation Cheques shall not be accepted. | ||
A/C Details: CHAMAN VAITKA, A/C: 01192010019950, Punjab National Bank, AMBALA, IFSE:PUNB0011910 | ||
**D.F.E. amount caters to expenses such as purchase of books & stationery, toiletries, outings, pocket money, special medical help, executing special requirements and acquiring special skills like Sports etc. A minimum balance of Rs. 10,000/- must be maintained. | ||
In case of Old Students : Deposits for Expenses (DFE) account will be adjusted from the previous year. | ||
If for any reason, the cheque is not cleared on presentation, a penalty of Rs. 500/- (Bank Charges) plus Rs. 100/- per day fine will be charged for the delayed payment till 30th of the due month. For those who fail to clear the dues after the due month, a penalty of Rs. 2000/- will be levied in addition to fine. Any delay beyond two months may lead to the name of the student being struck off the rolls and thereafter re-admission fee will be charged to continue study in the school. Re-admission shall be subject to availability of seats and payment of arrears along with re-admission fee. | ||
Payment of non cleared cheques shall be made through Demand Draft/Cash Only. | ||
In case of withdrawal, 30 days notice is required & subject to clearance of all dues. Fees once paid is not refundable under any circumstances |
Admission Procedure
Admissions are open for Classes V onwards.
Age eligibility (As on 1st April of the academic session for which admission is sought)
Mere registration to any class at Chaman Vatika ‘Gurukul’ does not ensure the admission.
Admission is strictly based on availability of seats, meeting eligibility criteria and furnishing of all the required documents.
Admission to each class is based on the age of the students as on 31st March of the year of admission. For eg., the minimum age of the applicant to get admission in Class- V is 10 years on 31st March. Subsequently, the student should meet the minimum age limit for each class.
All admissions till Classes VIII would be provisional. Admissions to Class IX onwards would be governed by CBSE rules and regulations.
At the time of admission, parents must submit the medical form provided by the school duly filled by an authorized doctor.
The information provided at the time of the admission in Registration Form and other supporting documents including name, DOB, Aadhar card etc., shall hold true till the student leaves the school.
Any sort of discrepancy, false statement or misrepresentation of the facts by the parents/guardians at the time of admission, when discovered, would result in dismissal of the student from the school.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
– A duly filled form is available from the school website (link for registration) is to be submitted with the non-refundable, non-transferable registration fee Rs. 500/- .
(A) An attested copy of birth certificate must be attached with the registration form.
(B) Students who have attended other schools need to submit an attested photocopy of the report card of the last class/school attended.
Buy Gurukul Chaman Vatika School Books
Sample Papers
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- Gurukul Chaman Vatika Answer Key 1 For Class VIII
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