Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI Complete Exam Details
Offical Website:
• Institute set up by the Govt. of Punjab.
• Aim: To train selected young boys from the state for joining National Defence Academy, Pune.
• Duration of Training : Two years course at the Plus 1 and Plus 2 Level.
• Capacity: 48 cadets per year. Total 96 cadets at any one time.
Vision Statement
To train selected young boys from the state for joining NDA.
Exam Notification
Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI ENTRANCE EXAM 2022:
Eligibility Criteria
• Only BOYS with a Punjab Domicile are eligible.
• Domicile of Punjab.
• Studying in Class 10.
• Desirous of joining NDA
• Date of Birth- Not born before 02 Jul 2005.
At the outset please accept our heartiest congratulations on having been short listed for the interview. Approximately 2000 candidates had applied for the entrance test held on 13 Feb 2022. The first 150 candidates are being called for the interview. Interviews will be held in batches in the month of Mar 2022. We will finally be selecting 48 candidates for the twelfth AFPI course commencing in Apr 2022.
The aim of these instructions is to clarify the procedure for the interview of candidates for the Twelfth AFPI Course.
Date, Time and Venue.
Names of candidates short listed for the interview are attached. Interviews will be conducted as per the following schedule: –
Ser No | Batch | Interview Date | Medical Date |
a | First | 10 Mar | 10 -11 Mar |
b | Second | 11 Mar | 11 -12 Mar |
c | Third | 12 Mar | 12 -14 Mar |
d | Fourth | 14 Mar | 14 -15 Mar |
e | Fifth | 16 Mar | 16 -17 Mar |
If necessary, an additional batch may be conducted at a later date for interview
Order of Merit.
Some candidates are under the erroneous impression that the order in which their names appear in the list is an indication of their order of merit in the entrance test. This is not so. Names have been listed in alphabetical order. Therefore, please come for the interview with an open mind and do not worry about the academic order of merit.
Candidates are required to be present at the interview centre by 08:30 hours on the date of the interview. The interview will commence at 10:00 hours sharp. Please do not be late. Candidature of late comers with invalid reason will be terminated.
Interviews will be held in Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI, which is located in Sector-77 Mohali. It is very close to Sohana Hospital, adjacent to Radha Soami Dera. The same is well marked on the GPS maps.
In case, for any unavoidable reasons, any candidate is unable to attend the interview on the specified date, he must inform Director AFPI by mail/telephone ( / 9041144430) at the earliest. (Minimum 48 hours before the scheduled date of interview) Such candidates must provide cogent reasons in support of their request for a change of date along with necessary supporting documentary proof. Such requests will be considered on merits and Director’s decision will remain final and binding in this regard.
Personal Information Form.
Candidates will complete the attached form in their own hand and bring it along with them. The form will be submitted to the reception cell established at the interview centre by 0900 hours on the date of the interview.
Modalities for Conduct of the Interview.
The interviews will be conducted by a team of trained officers. The team will consist of the following:-
(a) Group Testing Officer.
(b) Psychologist.
(c) Director AFPI.
(d) Interviewing Officer.
(e) Teachers from a reputed school.
The interview will comprise of the following: –
(a) Self-Introduction.
(b) Written Text / Extempore talk on chosen topic.
(c) Group discussion.
(d) Interview with a Panel
Self-Introduction talk by the candidate will contain the following information: –
(a) Personal particulars. (Name, age, home town)
(b) Brief details of family background.
(c) School in which studying; subjects being studied; favourite subject and least liked subject.
(d) Best friend and why?
(e) Sports.
(f) Hobbies.
(g) Your strengths and weaknesses.
(h) Why do you want to join AFPI/Armed Forces?
Note- No handwritten/printed notes are permitted for the same
The interviewing officers will assess the candidate’s trainability for the National Defence Academy. The aim of the interview is to assess the candidate’s level of motivation, intelligence, aptitude, confidence, personality and expression. His manner of interaction in a group will also be important.
We expect that the interviews will be completed in one day and the results declared latest by 1700 hours on the same day. Candidates selected in the interview will be required to have themselves medically examined on the following day at Sohona Hospital at their own cost. The medical forms for the same are enclosed. You are requested to go through the minimum required medical standards as given on our website.
Parents / guardians may accompany the candidate to the interview centre and they will be made to sit in a designated area. They are not permitted to visit the venue of the interview or influence the selection procedure in any manner.
The results declared by the interview board will be final and candidates will not be allowed to challenge or question these results.
Certificates Required
(a) Birth certificate.
(b) Domicile certificate.
(c) Certificate pertaining to proficiency in sports if any.
(d) Certificate from your school showing marks obtained in the ninth-class final exam and the tenth-class marks obtained so far.
(e) Proof of identity
Candidates must also bring with them a clip board, pen and some paper.
Candidates will NOT be eligible for any traveling allowance/dearness allowance for appearing in the interview or medical.
Candidates should be suitably dressed in formal clothes. School uniform of the school in which you are currently studying in is not permitted to be worn. PT/casual shoes or slippers are NOT permitted. You are to dress up in clean and neat clothes and be presentable for the interview.
We will not be in a position to accommodate the candidates in the institute during the interview. Please make your own arrangements for staying in Mohali, Panchkula or Chandigarh.
Candidates are advised to carry packed lunch on the day of the interview. Lunch will also be available on payment at the institute at tuck shop facility available for visitors for that day
Light snacks, refreshments and Tea / Coffee will be made available to candidates and their parents / guardians
Honesty and integrity will be of utmost importance. Please do not try to influence the selection procedure in any way. A very serious view will be taken of any aberration and any candidate found guilty will be liable for immediate expulsion. Also, if any member of the staff tries to contact you with a promise to help you to influence the selection procedure, please bring this to the notice of the interview board so that immediate disciplinary action can be taken.
Queries/ Clarifications
For any queries or clarifications please send an email to OR letter to Director, Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI, Sector 77, SAS Nagar (Mohali). Tele No. 0172-2219707; 9041006305 (Nodal Officer).
Any further instructions regarding the interview / medical will be posted on the website You are requested to check the website periodically
- Candidates recommended by the Interview Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Medical Officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the Institute, who are declared fit by the Medical Board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However, the candidates declared unfit will be informed.
- Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy. (Since the candidate will actually be appearing in the medical examination conducted by Military authorities only after two years, certain aspects of the medical standards as deemed appropriate by the Medical Board may be relaxed as the candidate may be expected to reach the requisite standards of physical development by then).
- Candidates are advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination. The under mentioned ailments are considered, common minor ailments:- Wax (Ears), Deviated Nasal Septum, Hydrocele/Phimosis, Overweight/Underweight, Under sized Chest, Piles, Gynaecomastia, Tonsillitis, Varicocele
- The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely in interfere with the efficient performance of Military duties.
- There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or weight issues. The candidate should not be overweight or obese.
- The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cm. Height and Weight standards are given below:-
HEIGHT / WEIGHT STANDARDS FOR AFPI Ser No. HEIGHT(in Cm) WEIGHT in kgs(As per table) WEIGHT in kgs (as per table) with 10% relaxation 1. 152 42.5 46.75 2. 155 43.5 47.85 3. 157 45 49.5 4. 160 46.5 51.15 5. 162 48 52.8 6. 165 50 55 7. 167 51 56.1 8. 170 52.5 57.75 9. 173 54.5 59.95 10. 175 56 61.6 11. 178 58 63.8 12. 180 60 66 13. 183 62.5 68.75 Note:-
Up to 10% more or less than the ideal weight will be considered acceptable.
• If the candidate is more than 10% overweight, he will be advised to reduce his weight and will be provisionally accepted.
• If a candidate is more than 20% more or less than his prescribed weight, he will be given a temporary rejection and will be given an opportunity to reduce his weight to acceptable weight standards. - Chest should be well developed. Fully expanded chest should not be less than 81 cm. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm. The measurement will be taken with a tape so adjusted that its lower edge should touch the nipple in front and the upper part of the tape should touch the lower angle of the shoulder blades behind. X-Ray of the chest is compulsory and will be taken to rule out any disease of the chest.
- There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body. X-ray of spine of candidates will not be carried out as a routine. It will, however, be done on the advice of surgical specialist wherever clinically indicated. Minor congenital defects which are not likely to interfere in the performance of military duties may be acceptable on merit.
- Spinal conditions: Thorough clinical examination of the spine including its shape, local tenderness if any, spinal movements etc is to be carried out. Mild kyphosis or Lordosis where deformity is barely noticeable and there is no pain or restriction of movement will not preclude acceptance. In case of noticeable Scoliosis or suspicion of any other abnormality or spinal deformity, more than mild, appropriate X-ray of the spine are to be taken and the examinee referred for specialist’s advice.
- The candidate should have no past history of medical breakdown or fits
- The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cm in a quiet room.
- There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Blood pressure should be normal.
- The muscles of the abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of the internal organs or the abdomen will be a cause for rejection
- Un-operated hernia will make a candidate unfit. If operated earlier the healing should have been completed.
- There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or pile.
- Urine examination will be done and any abnormality if detected will be a cause for rejection.
- Any disease of the skin which is likely to cause disabilities or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection.
- A candidate should be able to read 6/6 in a distant vision chart with each eye, with or without glasses. Myopia should not be more than 2.5D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done by means of ophthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A candidate should have good binocular vision; the colour vision standard will be CP III. A candidate should be able to recognize red and green colours. Candidates will be required to give a certificate that neither he nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindness. Candidates who have undergone or have evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy to improve the visual acuity will be rejected.
- The candidate should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present the total dental points are 22. A candidate should not be suffering from severe pyorrhoea.
- These instructions are by no means exhaustive. The doctor’s/ specialist’s remarks on the suitability of the candidate to undertake training at this institute will be given merit. Also, in the interest of the candidate, please refrain from influencing the decision of the
doctor in any way. The training at this institute is rigorous and, should a candidate have some medical issues which have not been disclosed, the same is likely to harm the candidate’s health in the long run. It is to be remembered that the Armed Forces selects
candidates after a thorough medical examination conducted by specialists at their own hospitals.
Entrance Procedure
• Written Test on 13 Feb. 2022 . Total no of questions 150. Subjects – English (40/150), Maths (80/150) and Social Studies (30/150). Level- CBSE X standard.
• Test will be Objective type, answers on OMR Sheet.
• Selected candidates will be called for interview and test of Communication skills in Feb – Mar 2022.
• Candidates successful in interview and communication skills will be medically examined.
• First 48 candidates as per order of merit will be invited to join the institute in April 2022.
Training Imparted at AFPI
• Academic training: (Plus 1 and Plus 2) in a good school in Mohali. All cadets study in Non-Medical Stream with
Computer Science / Physical Education.
• Physical Fitness, Sports, Firing and Drill.
• Personality Development , Communication skills & Soft skills.
• Preparation for NDA entrance Exam and Services Selection Board (SSB).
Financial Implications
• Boarding, Lodging, Messing and Uniform free of cost.
• All training at AFPI free of cost.
• Cadets only pay school fees for the school (Approx Rs. 48,000/- per year, payable in three installments).
Infrastructure Available
• Hostel with Individual rooms and attached bathrooms.
• Cadets’ mess, Ante room, Class rooms, Auditorium, Library, Cyber-café , Tuck shop, Indoor Shooting Range.
• Complete Infrastructure for SSB Training and Physical training including a state of the art gymnasium.
• Sports grounds- Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Jogging Track, Squash Court, Tennis court, Swimming pool.
Our Results So Far
85 AFPIANS commissioned as Officers.
171 Cadets inducted to NDA / Other Defence Academies as on Date.
Secured All India First Rank at NDA Merit in Jan 2015 and Jul 2017.
One AFPIAN (SUO Gurvansh Singh Gosal-2nd Course) awarded Bronze Medal at IMA -142 for Standing 3rd in Order of Merit – Dec 2018.
One AFPIAN secured All India 1st Position in NCC Special Entry Scheme, for OTA 45 Course – Feb 2019.
One AFPIAN (Lt Prabhdeep Singh Bhatia – 1st Course) secured All India 4th rank in JAG entry.
One AFPIAN (ACA Harpreet Singh-1st Couse) won Sword of Honour for being best all round cadet and Gold Medal for standing 1st in the order of Merit – OTA, Chennai – Mar 2020.
One AFPIAN (Capt Vishavdeep Singh – 1st Course) 9 PARA Cdo, awarded Sena Medal (Gallantry) – Jan 2021.
One AFPIAN (Lt Jasmeet Singh Bamrah – 3rd Course, 14 JAK Rif) awarded CDS Commendation Card for Operation in Galwan Valley, Ladakh – Jan 2021.
One AFPIAN (ACA Loveneet Singh – 5
th Course) awarded Bronze Medal at IMA 148 POP – Jun 2021.
Please Note :
• School Fees may increase marginally as decided by the school. Exact amount will be intimated later.
• Candidates who have already passed Class 10th and are currently studying in Class 11th may also apply provided they
meet the age criteria. However, such candidates will be required to repeat Class 11th if selected for admission to AFPI.
• For latest updates please refer to our website :