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NTSE Exam Complete Exam Details

Prepare For NTSE Exam (Making Officers Building Nation)


The National Talent Search Examination for si .students studying in ;Class X is meant to dentity the nurture talent. The examination is conducted every year at two levels: Stage- (State Level) and Stage-1 (National Level).

Exam Notification

NTSE Exam Details 2021-22

Exam Date-
Stage 1: 15 & 16 January 2022(Postponed)
Stage 2: 12 June 2022

NTSE Exam Details 2022-23

Last Form Date-
Stage 1: October 2022
Stage 2: June 2023

Exam Date –
Stage 1: December 2022
Stage 2: July 2023


Scholarships: About two thousand scholarships are awarded for different stages of education as fo1lows:
(a) Scholarship of Rs. I250/- per month for Class XI to XII.
(b) Scholarship of Rs. 2000/- per month for Undergraduates and Post- graduates.
(c) Amount of Scholarship for Ph.D. is fixed in accordance ►with the UGC norms.


At the national level for Stage II Examination 15% for students belonging to the SC category, ‘7.5% for students belonging to the ST category and 27% for students belonging to OBC category (Non-creamy layer) as per central list available on www.ncbe.nic.inhiser panel/centralliststateviewaspx, 10% for Economically Weaker Sections (WESs) those who have not covered under the reservation scheme for SCs/STs/OBCs, 4% for Children with benchmark disabilities of which, one per cent each shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (a), (b) and (c) and one per cent for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (d) and (e) namely:
(a) blindness and low vision; (BLV)
(b) deaf and hard of hearing; (DID
(c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (LD)
(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (AID)
(e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disabilities: (MD)

Fill NTSE Application Form Online


Stage-1, selection will be done by State/UTs and those who are selected/recommended from Stage-I examination, will be eligible to appear for Stage-II examination, conducted by NCERT.

Qualifying Marks:

Qualifying marks for candidates from SC/ST/PH category is 32% in each paper and for others (General/OBC & EWS) categories it is 40% in each paper.

Important Dates:

Dates for submission of application form and conduct of examination, are given below:

Stage Area Tentative Dates
Stage-I (State) Last Date for Submission of Application Form To be notified by the respective State and it may vary from state to state
Examination in Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Andaman and Nicobar Islands 15 January, 2022 (Postponed)
Examination in all other States and Union Territories 16 January, 2022 (Postponed) (All other remaining States/UTs except above mentioned StatesiUTs)
State-II (National) Examination in all States and Union Territories 12 June, 2022 (Sunday)


All students of Class X studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the Stage-I examination, conducted by the States/UTs, in which the schools are located. There will be no domicile restriction. Students registered under Open Distance Learning (ODL) will also be eligible for scholarship, provided the students is below the age of 18 years (as on l’ July of the particular year), the student is not employed and she/he is appearing in Class X examination for the first time.